IT Recruitment


IT Recruitment

IT Recruitment is a core functionality of the Human Resource department. It is a process that includes everything from identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, interviewing, selecting, hiring, and onboarding employees.The recruitment teams can be large or small that depends on the size of an organization. However, in small organizations, recruitment is typically the responsibility of a recruiting manager.

Many organizations outsource their recruiting needs, while some companies depends exclusively on advertisements, job boards, and social media networks to recruit talent for new positions. Many companies of today, use recruitment software to make their recruitment process more effective and efficient.


Our Recruitment Process

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Identify Needs

Recruitment process start with identifying the vacancies that exist and the job specification.

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Make Job Description

Next step in the process is to determine the duties and responsibilities of the job.

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Talent Search

Identifying the right talent, attracting them and motivating them to apply is the next step.

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Screening is the process of viewing all the job applications that has been shooted on a job.

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Shortlisting is the process of seperating the relevant and most likely applications of all.

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The applications will move through the process before receiving an offer or a rejection.

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Offering Salary

This is the final stage of the recruitment process. Providing a fair offer is important task.

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When applicants accept the job offer, they officially become the employees of the company.